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Mergers & Acquisitions

What We Do

Consulting Service
Most often we're directly involved in our transactions. However, occasionally there are cases when the buyer (for istance), is buying a business directly from a seller and doesn't feel like he wants total representation, just consulting. We do offer consulting for our clients, price depending on the complexity of the request. 

Seller Representation
The most common reason for selling a business is that a business owner falls ill or is ready to retire. Modular Ventures M&A can provide and assist you in your transition of selling your business. First we evaluate our business market value, Second we prepare you business to go to market. Third we find qualified buyers to acquire your business. 

Buyers Representation
In order to better separate serious buyers from people just "tire kicking", we offer our clients a program that we feel is fair for everyone. For buyers that truly wish to only work with us, we do have program for you. Please contact us to obtain further details on how we might be of service.Commercial lease space negotiationsWhether you have an existing lease that you want to negotiate, or you are startig a business and need lease representation, we can assist with by leveraging our knowledge in the complex world of business leasing. It is highly advisable to seek an attorney before anything is signed 


Price Evaluation Analysis
Modular Ventures M& A offers a fully comprehensive evaulation to clients that need a monetary value put on the business. At times when partners are disolving they want to know the value of a business through a third party. Our analysis are extensive and usually provide a 20 page financial report.

Commericial Lease Negotiations
Whether you have an existing lease that you want to negotiate, or you are starting a business and need representation. Modular Ventures M&A can offer valuable insight in assisting your current or future lease agreement. 

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